Prepping for the next phase of NWE

Northern Water Excursions LLC has purchased the assets from Superior Marine Training and is prepping for the next phase of NWE! This purchase will help in the solidification of teaching multiple U.S.C.G Captains Classes, and will be available soon! This has been a longer drawn out process than initially anticipated, but is well worth it as Ted was looking to retire and this void needs to be filled. I truly look forward to working with you future captains and helping everyone achieve their goal of being a Captain. I will be starting this year (2022) out with a ROUPV – Restricted OUPV, OUPV (Near-Coastal OUPV or Great Lakes, Or Inland/Western Rivers), and a Renewal OUPV class closer to spring.

  • ROUPV – Restricted OUPV focused on Northern MN navigable waters and MN Inland lakes. I have a lot of Inland requests, L.O.W., Rainy Lake, Crane Lake, and Kabetogama are the usual clients for this.
  • OUPV – This class will cover a multitude of credentials depending on what you are looking for. I can cover a Near-Coastal, Great Lakes, and Inland/Western Rivers with this course.
  • OUPV Renewal…. enough said!

I will be seeking to upgrade my credentials into Inspected Vessels and carry a Masters in the near future so I can teach Masters classes next winter. If there are any other credentials you would like to see covered please shoot me an email at this link to help me out – Northern Water Excursions LLC – Rainy Lake Guiding, Tours, or Training ( This prepping for the next phase of NWE has an astronomical amount of time invested into it and even though I have purchased the assets of another company I still have to be approved through the U.S.C.G. prior to holding my program. I do appreciate your patience and as I said earlier, I look forward to working with you.

Captain Jason M. Ellman